Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Baghdad puppies

The article i most recently read was on the star tribune website. It was about a young puppy that was found in Iraq by a solider. An unfortunate imformation was spread to this solider when someone told her that she could not adotp the puppy and take him home. It was against the law for soldiers in the U.S. Central command, which would include Iraq. Many people are signing a petition to get this changed and many are hopeful that it will change. So far this year Baghdad Pups has taken more than 50 dogs and cats home for their warrior owners. Baghdad pups is an organization taking animals from Iraq back to the U.S. I personally thing the should change this law. I think its really stupid how they wont allow a solider risking her life to fight for there country not take a homeless dog home. I think everyone should sign the petition and get this law changed.
this is also the website for Baghdad pups: http://www.baghdadpups.com/


Teacher: Mrs. Jarrett said...

I'm glad you've included the URL of the article, but you can actually link your blog post to the article, itself.

Teacher: Mrs. Jarrett said...

...sorry, I got cut off on my last comment. I saw the same story about the soldier and the dog and I agree with your position--it seems like they took the rules on this a bit too literally.